I wrote a great article about this on our blog a while ago. You can read it here. ("Why does a pretty box matter?"). Custom packaging can be very simple.

There are many advantages to custom packaging. You can order in the minimum quantity, choose images related to your brand, labels, prints related to your products, and your brand. That is why custom-made packaging is more profitable compared to ready-made boxes. In addition, there is a chance that your brand will be popular as people or users always choose a product that needs to be attractive or packaged in packaging or Velcro boxes. Customized packing boxes are also beneficial because you can always choose the type of material that suits your product. People will opt for cardboard or Kraft packaging as it is recyclable and readily biodegradable in soil or used in any other way.

Packaging, in addition to protecting and transporting products, has a strategic communication role: how can we better differentiate our product in a market full of all kinds of products with the same functions and shapes? The answer is the box: the box can make a difference.


Custom packaging is the perfect tool to achieve this goal: a business card to showcase your product or service successfully and engagingly. Specialty packaging is also synonymous with excellence and a great token of attention to customers, an add-on used to charm consumers and build loyalty. When customizing the boxes, there is a clear message that "we care about our products and users in more detail, starting with the packaging," which can lead to customers' final purchase.

In addition, implementing a custom-sized box will allow you to protect your product better and optimize your packaging supply chain.

SM Custom packaging provides the best custom boxes for small business if you are interested in creating custom boxes. This enables the realization and printing of high-quality packaging with custom dimensions and no minimum order.

The importance of wholesale custom packaging boxes is that they can easily fit your product or any product because size, color, material, type of material such as matte, glossy, and Kraft material can be used. The customer can choose the type of box they are looking for, and they have many options for the quantity. In addition, the user can request free samples. So the takeaway is that customized packaging is appreciated and makes packaging solutions easy for home business companies or large companies.

Individual packing boxes are very important for the packaging and presentation of products on the shelves. There are various aspects in which a business person uses packaging boxes with a specific setting.


A business needs packaging for branding, promotion, and awareness for a target audience or a specific group of people. The brand will grow, gain visibility and attract the maximum number of customers to get an idea of ​​the packaging. What is this brand doing? Environmentally friendly: the buyer will never buy packaging that is harmful to the environment. Ultimately, it will leave a bad impression on your customers. Therefore, use Kraft cartons or Kraft cartons for your products so that you can impact a company-friendly environment.

Product safety

The second aspect is product safety. You get the right packing boxes, and the right boxes will protect your products from damage, so your customer receives products in a safe condition.


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