In a digitized world with constantly growing technical progress, users want to be able to access websites at any time, from any location and from the device of their choice. These should offer just as good performance on smartphones as on a desktop computer. “Responsiveness” means “responsiveness”, which in relation to the website means that the websites, regardless of which output device they are accessed on, respond to the environment and present themselves to the user in a user-friendly and clear manner. This tool makes it possible to program websites in such a way that they can be called up with the same quality on every device. This includes, for example, the display and arrangement of navigation elements, texts,

Responsive web design opportunities

·         One-time development of the website for all output devices

·         better performance in the Google search results, as longer stay and lower bounce rates, improve the ranking

·         the recognition value is much higher for users, and content can be found much faster in the navigation hierarchy familiar from the PC

·      the user is given the choice on which device he wants to visit the website

Flexible presentation using responsive web design

Responsive web design, which is based primarily on flexible design grids and elements based on media queries, is part of the much broader "adaptive" philosophy and strategy. This strategy aims not only to output the design specifically for the end device, but also to plan and play out the operation as well as content and features in different variants.

With the help of media queries, the special properties of the device with which the visitor wants to access the website are queried. These analyzed features include, for example, the device size, the current resolution, and the current position of the output device (horizontal/vertical) or how wide and high the browser window is. Then the grid of the page and finally also the font size and the width and height of the images are adjusted. Fluid grids help to define the design as a percentage and thus to adapt the page grid in the desired ratio to the screen size. In addition, breakpoints can be set from which the layout changes significantly.

Mobile-first in responsive web design

Mobile First is a concept for developing websites with responsive design. Following the concept, the smallest screens, such as smartphones, should be the starting point for developing responsive layouts in order to ensure that all-important content can be optimally displayed. Web development services in Lahore will provide you all responsive webdesign and development. However, this concept is not always the best approach. In the case of e-commerce, for example, it makes more sense to start from both extremes, i.e. the largest and the smallest resolution.

User experience in responsive web design

In order to enable an optimal user experience, the control elements must also be adapted. Control elements and control modules, such as for scrolling through photos, have to be adapted, as many things that can be conveniently navigated on the desktop with the mouse are often used for the touchscreen is fragmented. The labeling and operation of links must also be optimized for this. Hoover effects, for example, are useful for marking links on the PC, but they are invisible to output devices with a touchscreen.

The same applies to the mouse-over effect, as it occurs, for example, with context-sensitive help or navigation layers. For such problems, individual alternatives should be provided, for example through menus and layers that open with a click not above but within the content in specially designated areas. Implemented. In addition, certain gestures on the smartphone have already become a habit for users, which is why they should be used for optimal user guidance. The optimal usability of a page can also be optimized on other levels. For example, by using context-sensitive keyboards to optimize the input of certain data. When entering a telephone number in a field provided for this, the number keyboard can be displayed directly. choose the best digital marketing agency for a responsive and well optime website. you can also get SEO services in Lahore to optimize your site from Pak marketing point.

Tips for implementing responsive design

When implementing a responsive website, a basic order should be observed. In particular, this means either from small to large (mobile to desktop) or from large to small (desktop to mobile). If it is a new concept, the first point is particularly useful. Because this would support the mobile-first concept in the following, whereby mobile content is created and also loaded first and the website expands with larger resolutions. If an existing website is to be made responsive, the second option is often the better option, as the desktop layout already exists and you can then move the styling from top to bottom without endangering the existing work. This saves a lot of time and effort the next time you use the code. Google itself recommends that webmasters separate content and design as a best practice. This means a uniform HTML code as a basis and, if necessary, device-specific rendering of the content via CSS3 / media queries. 


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